
Please take a moment to review this disclaimer before engaging with DOGEN, the meme token. By participating in any activities or accessing any related content associated with DOGEN, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined below:

Not Financial Advice: The information provided in this whitepaper and any associated content is not financial advice, investment recommendations, or a solicitation to purchase DOGEN tokens. It is provided solely for informational purposes. Before making any financial decisions, you are responsible for conducting thorough research and seeking professional advice.

Volatility and Risks: DOGEN and all cryptocurrencies are subject to significant price fluctuations and volatility. Investing in or holding DOGEN tokens carries substantial risks, including the potential for total loss. Past performance should not be considered indicative of future results.

Regulatory Compliance: The regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies is dynamic and varies across jurisdictions. Before engaging with DOGEN, it is your responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in your country or region.

Uncertain Market: The market for meme coins is highly speculative and characterized by rapid changes. There is no guarantee of market demand, liquidity, or utility for DOGEN tokens. Token values may experience significant fluctuations that may not necessarily reflect the project's intrinsic value.

By continuing to participate in DOGEN, you acknowledge and accept the risks and limitations outlined within this disclaimer. Only proceed if you have a comprehensive understanding of these risks and are willing to assume them.

Last updated