How to claim your $DOGEN if you used EVM wallet
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Last updated
Congrats, Bro! The presale is over, and now you need to merge your Solana wallet with your EVM wallet to claim tokens. Follow these instructions:
To see claimable amount and to claim $DOGEN keep enough SOL ( ~1$) on your wallet
Connect the EVM wallet you used during the presale.
Go to the Profile page
To merge your EVM wallet with your Solana wallet, click the "Claim" button.
Nice, now connect you Solana wallet
Almost done! Now, sign messages in both wallets.
If you see a notification window confirming that your wallets were successfully merged, you're all set. Good job!
Let's double-check: log out of your EVM wallet and connect the Solana wallet from step 4.
If you see the balance of your EVM wallet, then everything is fine and your wallets are merged.
Press the "Claim" button to mint your available $DOGEN .
Remind you, that we have TGE, Cliff and Vesting periods.
For more details, pls visit page Presale Plan